Natural Liquid Dish Soap Recipe
Are you looking to save money on cleaning products and work toward living a natural lifestyle, eliminating toxins and chemicals from your everyday products? Do you love the challenge of making your own cleaning products.
If so, you have to try our simple recipe for homemade dish soap. Not the kind that goes into a dishwasher, the kind you squirt into a sink full of water when you’re stuck with the chore of hand-washing the dishes.
1 ¾ cups boiling water
1 Tbsp borax
1 Tbsp grated bar soap (use homemade soap, castile bar soap, Ivory, or whichever natural bar you prefer)
15-20 drops essential oils, optional (find 100% pure essential oils here)
Heat water to boiling.
Combine borax and grated bar soap in a medium bowl. Pour hot water over the mixture. Whisk until the grated soap is completely melted.
Allow mixture to cool on the counter top for 6-8 hours, stirring occasionally. Dish soap will gel upon standing.
Transfer to a squirt bottle, and add essential oils. Shake well to combine.
Now you’re ready to use your liquid dish soap just as you would use any commercial brand!