Thursday, December 5, 2013

Flu Busting Gummy Bears and Elderberry Syrup

It seems that this flu season is going to be a bad one, and elderberry syrup is one of my favorite natural remedies for avoiding or beating the flu. These flu busting gummy bears combine the immune boost from elderberry syrup with the gut benefits of gelatin for a healthy and delicious way to beat the flu.
To make this recipe, you’ll need to make homemade elderberry syrup first and then make them in to gummy bears.

With flu season around the corner and signs for “flu shots” in every store, this is a natural alternative that is inexpensive and effective. It can be made easily at home.

If you or your child has ever had a bad case of the flu, you know how miserable it can be. Especially for moms, it is awful to see your children feeling so bad and not be able to fix it. Black elderberries (sambucus nigra) have been shown to prevent flu and speed recovery in those who have the flu.

Elderberries contain high levels of A, B, and C and stimulate the immune system. Several natural elderberry syrups are available at health stores or online, but usually for around $15 or more for 4-8 ounces. This recipe makes 16 ounces for a cost of under ten dollars and kids love the taste!
Homemade Elderberry Syrup Ingredients:

2/3 cup black elderberries
3.5 cups of water
2 T fresh or dried ginger root
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp cloves or clove powder
1 cup raw honey (we get from our farmer’s market)

How to Make Elderberry Syrup:

Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves (do not add honey!)
Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour until the liquid has reduced by almost half. At that point, remove from heat and let cool enough to be handled. Pour through a strainer into a glass jar or bowl.
Discard the elderberries (or compost them!) and let the liquid cool to lukewarm. When it is no longer hot, add 1 cup of honey and stir well.
When honey is well mixed into the elderberry mixture, pour the syrup into a pint sized mason jar or 16 ounce glass bottle of some kind.
Ta Da! You just made homemade elderberry syrup! Store in the fridge and take daily for its immune boosting properties. Some sources recommend taking only during the week and not on the weekends to boost immunity.

Standard dose is 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp for kids and 1/2 Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults. If the flu does strike, take the normal dose every 2-3 hours instead of once a day until symptoms disappear.

Flu Busting Gummy Bears
Flu busting homemade gummy bears combine the immune boost from elderberry syrup with the gut benefits of gelatin.


1 cup elderberry syrup (here is the recipe)
½ cup hot water (not boiling)
¼ cup Gelatin powder (I use this one)
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil for greasing pan
Glass container or silicon molds (My kids like the dinosaur molds and gingerbread molds the best)


Grease molds or glass pan with coconut oil to prevent sticking.
Place ¼ cup of cooled elderberry syrup in a 2 cup measuring cup and add gelatin powder.
Quickly whisk together to temper the gelatin powder.
Add the ½ cup of hot (not boiling) water and stir quickly until smooth.
Add the rest of the elderberry syrup and stir or whisk until completely smooth.
Pour in to molds and put in fridge for 2 hours or until completely firm.
Pop out of molds and store in air tight container with parchment paper between layers.
Take daily as needed to avoid flu or take every few hours to help beat the flu faster.
Will last up to a week in the fridge in an air tight container.

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